Find detailed information and nutrition facts for Spices and Herbs category. Information includes Calories in Spices and Herbs and micro data such as Fat, Protein, Carbohydrates, Sugars and Fiber per 100g, 1oz and per serving. enables you to have an automated daily calorie count by having a very rich database of foods and nutrition facts through a simple, anonymous and free registration. This way you can begin to build a detailed personal history of your daily calorie intake. Are you ready to start? Login or Register
They have an amazing taste, enrich our food with the right flavor, color and fragrance without adding extra fat, sugar or salt. They also provide powerful antioxidants and they are great for our health!
In general, they are low in calories, sodium, fat and have no cholesterol, although some of the oil-rich seeds, such as poppy and sesame, contain a moderate amount of calories.
All herbs and spices fight inflammation and reduce damage to our body's cells.
Herbs and spices should be kept in a cool, dry place, in air-tight containers. Dried herbs can be kept in plastic bags, glass jars or stainless-steel containers rather than in cardboard. Also, they should not be exposed to the direct sunlight, which fades the color of the herb and reduces the strength.
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