Find detailed information and nutrition facts for Snacks category. Information includes Calories in Snacks and micro data such as Fat, Protein, Carbohydrates, Sugars and Fiber per 100g, 1oz and per serving. enables you to have an automated daily calorie count by having a very rich database of foods and nutrition facts through a simple, anonymous and free registration. This way you can begin to build a detailed personal history of your daily calorie intake. Are you ready to start? Login or Register
Snacking refers to the mini-meal during the day between main meals.
As long as the snack is generally nutrient-dense, then a snack can and should be included as part of your daily plan.
Aim for snacks that include protein, fiber, and healthy fats, which help keep you full throughout the day and make healthy choices at your next meal.
There are plenty of snacks available on the market, some of them are low calorie and high fiber while some snacks are high fat and high protein.
Weight-loss-friendly snacks can be added to your diet. You can choose from mixed nuts (be mindful of your portion size, and aim to stick to about 1 ounce or 1/4 cup), greek yogurt, apple slices with peanut butter, dark chocolate, almonds, a piece of fruit, beef jerky or beef sticks, hard-boiled eggs and many others.
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100g: 370 Calories
1 oz: 105 Calories
1 pretzel chip/crisp/thin: 11 Calories
All details (Microdata)100g: 380 Calories
1 oz: 108 Calories
1 pretzel chip/crisp/thin: 11 Calories
All details (Microdata)100g: 375 Calories
1 oz: 107 Calories
1 pretzel chip/crisp/thin: 11 Calories
All details (Microdata)100g: 329 Calories
1 oz: 93 Calories
1 small paper (6-3/8" dia): 16 Calories
All details (Microdata)